Advice & execution
For businesses

Trusted advisor​​​
We offer 24/7 availability to provide business and strategic advice to decision makers, up to a number of hours per month, for a fixed monthly fee.​
This model is aligned with building a long-term partnership with out clients, being a sounding board and to help them navigate the hundreds of decisions and opportunities that present themselves in the course of ordinary business.

Business and strategic advice​​​
Using our applied common sense framework, we provide independent advice to our clients on a variety of topics.​
We ask the right questions to turn your data into information, and use our expertise to distill that into relevant intelligence, from which we derive our strategic recommendations.​
Together with our partners, we can provide your business world-class independent advice and can take care of streamlined execution on topics including strategy, operational excellence, data and AI, sustainability, governance, corporate finance, M&A and politics.
Are you ready for more business and less headaches?
Sometimes, the biggest value lies in asking the right question [that makes it clear that the project makes no sense]
Advice & execution
Our services and pricing model
Results, not reports
Trusted advisor​

​​​We offer 24/7 availability to provide mentorship and strategic, business and policy advice to our clients.​
We help ask the right questions and help to see things clearly.
Advice & execution

We can provide advice and take care of streamlined execution on a wide variety of subjects for our clients, including strategy, operational excellence, data and AI, corporate finance, M&A and policies.